�Edited & Published by O.P. JAT, Circle Secretary AIBSNLEA, Raj. CIRCLE�

LAST Updated Monday, May 08, 2017 08:32:06 PM


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31.12.2008  : Jaipur District launched its website Please Click Here for JP-TD Website
22.12.2008  : 2ND District Conference of Jaipur District held at �Hotel Maya International� on dated 20.12.2008. On the occasion a OPEN SESSION was organized. Shri N.K. Singh, GM (O) was the Chief  Guest, Shri P.C. Maharania, GM(F) & Shri Arun Agarwal, GM(Mobile) were the Guests of Honor. Com. GS Shri Prahlad Rai attended & addressed the Open Session and apprised in detail the current issues related to 2nd PRC, Group �A� RR, Absorption of ITS Officers, DPC Status of various Cadres at Corporate Office etc. The Conference Hall of Hotel "MAYA INTERNATIONAL" was jam packed. All the members of Jaipur district and Circle Office Bearers attended the Conference. Click Here for Glimpses ==>> PHOTO1 PHOTO2 PHOTO3 PHOTO4 PHOTO5 PHOTO6 PHOTO7 PHOTO8 PHOTO9  PHOTO10 PHOTO11 PHOTO12 PHOTO13 PHOTO14 PHOTO15 PHOTO16 PHOTO17 PHOTO18 PHOTO19

Com. M.S. Shekhawat, Com. M.K. Morodia and Com. C.M. Swami were elected Distt. President, Secretary and Financial Secretary respectively. Click Here for List of Distt. Office Bearers

19.12.2008  : STRIKE POSTPONED :- United Forum of BSNL / MTNL Executives' Associations has been decided to POSTPONE - proposed Rally  on 22.12.2008 and indefinite strike from  23.12.2008, in view of the written assurance given by the BSNL Management  in consultation with Secretary ,DOT Click Here for BSNL Management's letter. strike postponement Letter

08.12.2008 : The United Forum of BSNL & MTNL Executives� Association have decided unanimously to re-exercise our option and opt for DOT to end duality. All executives of BSNL & MTNL are requested to re-exercise  their option for DOT only as the DOT has already extended the date of option up to 15.12.2008. All Executives of MTNL & BSNL are requested  to fill up the fresh option for DOT immediately  & submit the option form to their immediate controlling Officer and sent 2nd  copy directly to the Secretary (T) through speed post, 3rd  copy to respective   Association.  (CLICK HERE FOR OPTION LETTER)
05.12.2008 : An APPEAL TO  ALL THE EXECUTIVES TO FULLY PARTICIPATE IN�  DAY LONG DHARNA AND LUNCH HOUR DEMONSTRATION� ON Date:  8th December 2008 Click Here for Appeal  Click Here for Notice
01.12.2008: GS on receipt of the draft proposal on Gr. 'A' RRs from GM(Pers.), BSNL suggested / given views as informed by GM(Pers.) Group 'A' RRs finalized by Pers. Section will be placed in the BSNL Board Meeting on 18.12.2008 Click Here 
28.11.2008: CS and Sh. M.K. Morodia, ACS(Engg.), Sh. N.L. Sharma, Branch Secretary, CO-JP met GM(Admn.) & discussed regarding : IDA Upgradation :- We extended our sincere thanks for procurement of pending ACR from BSNL Corporate Office & requested to sent the same to concern SSA Head. We also requested to give clear instruction to All the SSA Heads for completing the pending IDA Up-gradation (due from 01-10-2004 to 01-10-2008) in time bound manner.

GM(Admn.) directed to AGM(Pers.) for issue instructions for completing the due IDA Up-gradation immediately. AGM(Pers.) was also present in the meeting.

28.11.2008: Letter issued regarding revised pay scales for Office Language posts in various subordinate officers of the Central Government Click Here for Letter
28.11.2008: DPE Order issued regarding revision of pay scales - 2007  Click Here for Memorandum
28.11.2008: BSNL NOTIFIED Examination for Management Trainee (Internal) including Syllabus Click Here for Letter & Syllabus
27.11.2008 : United Forum of BSNL/MTNL Executives' Associations served NOTICE to CMDs BSNL/MTNL for one day long DHARNA on 08.12.2008, Rally on 22.12.2008 at 13.00 Hrs. from MTNL Office CGO Complex to Electronics Niketan, CGO Complex, New Delhi and indefinite strike from 6.00 Hrs. of 23.12.2008, demanding immediate repatriation of absorbed Executives of BSNL and MTNL to DoT. All CHQ Office Bearers, Circle/Branch Secretaries are requested to make necessary preparations/mobilisation for successful implementation of organisational action programmes. Detailed strategies will be informed shortly. Click here for NOTICE

Click Here to Check Your HR & Pay Details

Note => For First Time Login ==> Login is Your HR Number & PWD is  either your HR Number or Date of Birth in format DDMMYYYY


2nd Pay Revision Committee Highlights

20.11.2008 : BSNL issued order regarding clarification  that the two years dead line for completing two weeks mandatory training before earning second increment in Time Bound Financial Upgradation is to be counted from the date of issue of orders and not from the due date. Also Executives retiring within two years from the date of issue of orders are exempted from the training Click Here for Letter
20.11.2008 :  Cabinet Approved 2nd Pay Revision Committee recommendations regarding CPSU's Non Unionized employees w.e.f. 01-01-2007. It is understood that after implementation of the  2nd Pay Revision Committee recommendations, the pay scales of CPSUs employees will be doubled. Click Here for Cabinet Decision
All the Branch Secretaries of Rajasthan Circle are requested to ensure successful implementation of the Organizational action programme as per CHQ Directions. Mass Rally to be organized during Lunch/Closing Hours.
17.11.2008: CHQ NEWS United Forum of executives of BSNL & MTNL served notice for organisational action programme on 18.11.2008 i.e. Mass Rally at New Delhi and all Circle /SSA HQs Click Here for Letter
17.11.2008:  CHQ NEWS UF of Executives of  MTNL & BSNL will organize Mass Rally at CHQ New Delhi, Circle HQs, SSA HQs and will submit memorandum to Hon'ble MOC&IT, Secretary Telecom, CMD BSNL & MTNL New Delhi, State Governors/ CGMs/ GMTDs / TDMs and loacl MPs to protest against dual policy of the Government on the issue of absorption & demand immediate repatriation of BSNL & MTNL Executives to DoT.  Click Here for Memorandum
7th Nov.,08 => Today is Lunch/Closing hour demonstration at SSA/Circle level .  Please make it grand success.
05.11.2008: President writes to GM (Pers) regarding Consideration of various requests for retention/modifications in posting on promotion of the Executives from TES Gr B. to DE (Adhoc). Click here for letter
05.11.2008: AIBSNLEA is again bringing out �BSNL EXECUTIVE DIARY-2009� which shall contain updated information on service matters mostly concerning the BSNL employees and also important information on Telecom, Engineering and Financial matters. The Important features of the Diary which was brought out last year by the Association would find place in this Diary. Click Here for Letter
05.11.2008: Direct Recruitment of TTA for recruitment year 2008 - Guidelines regarding maintaining waiting list of successful candidates Click Here for Letter
04.11.2008: BSNL Corporate Office issued letter regarding Forwarding applications of Executives for transfer/postings through E-Mail (Scanning the application and sending the application as attachment to E-Mail) Click Here for Letter
04.11.2008: Promotion of JTO to the grade of SDE (Telecom) in B.S.N.L. under Competitive Quota (25%) on the basis of Limited Departmental Competitive Examination held on 15.07.2007 Click Here for List - 1  2  3  4  5  Excel Sheet

Programmes of Organizational actions decided by the United forum of executives of BSNL/MTNL on the issue of immediate repatriation of executives from BSNL/MTNL to DOT: 

A)   Saving gram campaign by Branches/SSAs/Circles on 1st Nov.,08, addressed to Hon�ble MOC&IT, DEPARTMENT OF TELECOMMUNICATION, DoT(HQs), Sanchar Bhavan, 20, Ashoka Road, New Delhi-110001. Text of the saving gram;

United Forum of BSNL/MTNL Executives� Associations express serious discontentment & resentment against non completion of Gr �A� officers� absorption in BSNL/MTNL. Strongly demands repatriation of BSNL/MTNL Executives to DoT. Delay in absorption process is adversely affecting the viability of BSNL/MTNL�. 

B)   Lunch/Closing hour demonstration at SSA/Circle/Hq level on 7th Nov.,08. 

C)  Rally at HQs on 18th Nov.,08. Rallies at Circle/SSA HQs should also be held.

24.10.2008 : BSNL declares Junior Telecom Officers Examination Result 2007 Click Here for Result
23.10.2008 : CHQ NEWS United Forum of BSNL/MTNL Executives' Associations representatives met and expressed serious concern against delay in Gr. A officers' absorption in BSNL/MTNL. Click here for the RESOLUTION forwarded to Hon'ble MoC&IT with copy to CMDs BSNL/MTNL. Click here for the COVERING LETTER.

The Organisational actions are decided as follows :

(a) Savingram Campaign at Branch Level on 01.11.2008. Savingram text will be exhibited.

(b) Massive demonstration on 07.11.2008 at BSNL CO, Circle and SSA H/Qs.

(c) Mass Rally on 18.11.2008 at BSNL CO, Circle and SSA H/Qs. All the Circle/Branch Secretaries are requested to mobilise the members for successful implementation of the organisational program.

22.10.2008 : BSNL issued order for Payment of IDA at the revised rates [Net increase is 6.2 %] w.e.f. 01.10.2008  Click Here for Order
21.10.2008 Heartiest Congratulations ! AIBSNLEA's consisting efforts yielded the result in getting release the AAO, BSNL IDA Pay Fixation order w.e.f. 01.10.2000 Click Here for Order
18.10.2008: Our Continuous persuasions resulted to release the Local Officiating Order from TTA to JTO Click Here for Letter
08.10.2008: Congratulation! AIBSNLEA succeeded in getting released the Promotion order from JAO/AAO to AO. Most of the AOs on promotion have been posted in the same Circles wherever the vacancies are available. Majority request applications of AOs have also been considered.  We extent our sincere thanks to BSNL Management especially SEA Section for their untiring efforts in issuing the biggest promotion order in Account Wing. Click Here for order
03.10.2008: CHQ NEWS >> DPC from JAO/AAO to AO :- The DPC process from JAO/AAO to AO is completed. The transfer & posting on promotion are being finalized. About 300 request transfers of AOs are being considered. We have requested to accommodate AOs on promotion in the same Circles where the vacancies are available or nearby. Sr. DDG(FP) has assured to look into the matter. Promotion order is expected in the next week.

01-10-2008:- Our Continuous persuasions resulted to release the following orders of Ist IDA Upgradation Executives from 14500-350-18700 to 16000-400-20800 (E4 to E5) vide Memo No. STA/8-11/PP/I/2007/53 dt. 01-10-2008


Congratulations ! on BSNL day, Let us Swear for a total Customer Satisfaction.


30.09.2008:- GS writes to CMD BSNL regarding illegal posting on promotion of the executives TES Gr. �B� (Telecom) to the Executives (STS) on purely temporary and adhoc basis. Click here for letter
29.09.2008:- Left-out DPC from SDE(T) to DE(Adhoc) :- PROMOTION ORDERS issued vide Corporate Office orders no. 412-22/2008-Pers.I dt. 29-09-2008 (Containing 61 Executives) and 412-25/2008-Pers.I dt. 29-09-2008 (Containing 52 Executives).

29.09.2008:- CHQ NEWS >> Left-out DPC from SDE(T) to DE(Adhoc) :- As assured by DDG(Pers.) the DPC of 104 SDEs(T) left out cases from SDE(T) to DE(Adhoc) is completed on 26.09.2008. 62 cases found complete & DPC approved. Posting on promotion order are being issued shortly. 15 cases are pending due to non-availability of ACRs. Some cases are found unfit, non-receipt of VCRs and some are kept in sealed cover.  Efforts are being made to complete the DPC of remaining clear cases.

26.09.2008:- DPC from JAO/AAO to AO :- As per CHQ It is understood that the DPC from JAO/AAO to AO is completed. The minutes of the DPC has been signed by Sr. DDG(FP). The Promotion order after approval of Director (Finance) will be issued shortly.

26.09.2008:- BSNL Board approved payment of PLI for Year 2007-08 for 

(i) Non-executives the amount will be 0.75 times of the Basic pay of the employee as on 01.03.2008 [BASIC PAY x 0.75 ] subjected to minimum of Rs. 7000 and maximum Rs.10,000.

(ii) For Executives the amount will be 0.75 times of the Basic pay of the employee as on 01.03.2008 [BASIC PAY x 0.75 ] subjected to minimum of Rs. 10,000 and maximum Rs.12,500.

For the absorbed employees it will be calculated on IDA pay scale and for Un-absorbed employees it will be calculated on CDA pay scale. Click Here for Letter

24-09-2008:- Our Continuous persuasions resulted to release the following orders of IDA Upgradation of Six Executives (JTO Civil/Arch.) from 9850-250-14600 to 11875-300-17275 vide Memo No. STA/8-11/PP/Civil-Elect./Conf/2007/11 dt. 24-09-2008
24-09-2008:- Our Continuous persuasions resulted to release the following orders of IDA Upgradation of Three Executives (SDE Civil/AE Arch.) from 11875-300-17275 to 13000-350-18250 vide Memo No. STA/8-11/PP/Civil-Elect./Conf/2007/10 dt. 24-09-2008
21-09-2008:- District Conference of Jhunjhunu:- Circle Secy. Com. M.K.MORODIA & CHQ Vice-President-II Com. KARAN SINGH attended & addressed the District Conference of Jhunjhunu SSA held at OM Towers Jhunjhunu. The following office Bearers were elected unanimously :

Branch President                    -    Shri H.S.Goswami

Branch Secretary                    -    Shri R.D.Ola  

Branch Finance Secretary    -    Shri N.R.Dhaupia  


Shri O.P. JAT Circle Secretary, Raj. Circle is on Two Weeks E2-E3 training at ALTTC, GZB, hence Shri M.K.MORODIA, ACS (Engg.) will look after the charge of CIRCLE SECRETARY.
05.09.2008 : DoT vide letter No. 40-12/04-Pen (T) dated 23.05.2008 issued order for withdrawal of the letter No. 40-12/04-Pen(T) dated 17.01.2005 regarding intimation by BSNL to DoT orders issued by it which have a bearing on pension and pensionary benefits.
05.09.2008 : Souvenir of 2nd ALL INDIA CONFERENCE held at Jaipur from 28th to 30th August�2008 is under print. All the Circle Secretaries / Branch Secretaries are requested to send all the Advertisements collected & the Articles, if any, to be printed in the Souvenir before 20th Sept�2008.
05-09-2008 : As demanded by AIBSNLEA and assured by Secy (T) in the Inaugural Session of 2nd AIC at Jaipur held on 28th Aug 2008, the order regarding Establishment /Service matters of absorbed TES Gr. B officers in BSNL/MTNL vide letter DoT No. 20-14/2007-STG.II dated 5th Sept 2008 issued. We were continuously pursuing the matter that the issues of the absorbed TES Gr. B officers should be dealt by respective PSU only and not by DoT and finally achieved. Click here for letter.
05-09-2008 :  BSNL Part Time/Distance Learning Scheme: BSNL Management announced the Launch of �BSNL Part time/Distance Learning Scheme�, to officers working in BSNL.

Click Here for ==> Order    Scheme    Performa

03/09/2008 :  Click Here for IDA Upgradation list for Group 'B' level Executives of Accounts & finance Services absorbed in BSNL

29/08/2008 : Open Session of 2nd All India Conference of AIBSNLEA at Jaipur The Open Session of 2nd All India Conference of AIBSNLEA was held on 29th August�2008 at 1600 Hrs at SHRI MAHESHWARI SAMAJ JANOPYOGI BHAWAN, �UTSAV� P-10, SECTOR-2, VIDYADHAR NAGAR, JAIPUR (The Pink City).  The OPEN SESSION was started with lighting of lamp by Chief Guest Shri Rajendra Rathore, Hon�ble Minister for PWD, Rajasthan. After welcome and felicitation to the Hon�ble Chief Guest, Guests of Honor and distinguished Guests were carried by the CHQ & Host Circle Office bearers.  Shri Kuldeep Goyal, CMD, BSNL, New Delhi, Shri J.R. Gupta, Ex. Director (Operations), BSNL, New Delhi, Shri Gopal Das, Director (HRD), BSNL, New Delhi, Shri Shakeel Ahmed, DDG (SR), BSNL, New Delhi and Shri G.K. Agarwal, CGMT Raj. Circle, Jaipur were the guests of honor. Eminent Trade Union Leaders of various Unions / Associations i.e Shri V.N. Namboodari, General Secretary, BSNLEU, Shri N.T.Sajwani, Secretary General, NFTE BSNL, Shri V.Subburaman, General Secretary, TEPU, Shri Vashishtha AGS, FNTO, Shri A.K.Kaushik, General Secretary, TEAM (MTNL), Shri K. Balasubramanian, President CHQ, TESA(I), Mumbai, Shri K. Satyanarayana, GS, AFSOA, New Delhi, Shri R.S. Nair, Secretary General, AITSA, Mumbai, Shri M.K. Bagchi, Ex. General Secretary, JTOA(I) & TEAM, MTNL and Shri D.S. DAS, GS, AIP &T CEA (Gr. B) Kolkata also addressed the session.  

The Chief Guest Shri Rajendra Rathore, Hon�ble Minister for PWD, Rajasthan in his address praised this Conference in Historic Pink City Jaipur and impressed to improve the work Culture in the Company in the interest of customer satisfaction.

Shri V.N. Namboodari, General Secretary, BSNLEU in his address first thanked the AIBSNLEA especially GS, AIBSNLEA for this invitation and told that Govt. of India cheated us and deferred with the promises / assurances given at the time of absorption especially in the case of Pension Issue and Maha-Ratana Status to BSNL. He told in his address that we strictly oppose the 10% IPO of BSNL because it is not in the interest of BSNL & also for its employees. 

Shri K. Satyanarayana, President AIBSNLEA in his address apprised in detail about this conference and told that AIBSNLEA wants to keep better relations with the BSNL Managements but it should not be taken that we will not strive to avoid any adverse decision not inconformity of Interest of Executives & BSNL.

Shri Prahlad Rai, General Secretary, AIBSNLEA in his address firstly thanked the CMD, BSNL for sparing time from his busy schedule and told that our executives are working with full energy in urban and rural area to make BSNL No. 1 company. He also told that BSNL Management now deviating from the assurances given at the time of absorption especially in the case of Pension and that is why ITS officers are confused to opt BSNL. GS in his address also told that 10% IPO of BSNL is not justified as BSNL has about 40,000 Crors reserve fund and there is no need to go for IPO. GS in his address apprised in detail about the USO Fund, 3G Spectrum Policy, Pay Revision and other related HR issues and told to CMD, BSNL to take favorable action in this regards.

Shri Kuldeep Goyal, CMD, BSNL, New Delhi in his address told that BSNL has resolved almost all the HR issues of Executives and non-Executives and also assured to give better facilities of its employees but we should improve Customer Care and provide better services to customer. He told that for better Customer care we should improve our work culture and we should work fold ourselves in the Company work culture. He also told that we are going to open Customer Retention Cell and also give special attention on PCOs as the revenue of PCOs is decreasing drastically. He also emphasized that EPABX and Broadband services should be given special attention and also extending these service upto Rural areas. He also impressed that this is a time of Call Centre / Door �to door Services / Marketing and we must also work in that direction. Regarding 10% IPO of BSNL he told that it is right time to go for BSNL IPO and BSNL�s Associations/ Unions now accept it in the interest of BSNL as all the Telecom companies are listed in the Share Market. He concluded that the services rendered by BSNL employees are satisfactory and in future the pays of BSNL employees will improve but we should all work hard to improve Customer Services and customer�s retention. He appreciated the theme of the conference i.e. "Committed to Customers' delight" and "Committed to excellent telecom services".

Shri Gopal Das, Director (HRD), BSNL, New Delhi, Shri Shakeel Ahmed, DDG (SR), BSNL, New Delhi and Shri G.K. Agarwal, CGMT Raj. Circle,  Jaipur also addressed the OPEN SESSION.

Shri M.L. Pareek, Circle President of Host Circle gave vote of thanks. The Hall of SHRI MAHESHWARI SAMAJ JANOPYOGI BHAWAN, �UTSAV� P-10, SECTOR-2, VIDYADHAR NAGAR, JAIPUR was jam packed. A Rajasthani Folk / Cultural Programme was organized on the occasion. Election of new Central Office Bearers was conducted under the Chairmanship of Sh. M.K. Bhattacharjee, Election Officer (Circle Secretary, NE-I) and Sh. R. Totlanai, Asstt. Election Officer (Delegate Raj. Circle) and following Office Bearers are  elected unanimously.


Sh. K. Satyanarayana , Jt. DDG(IA) BSNL

Vice President �I


Vice President � II

Sh. Karan Singh, DE(OP), JJN Rajasthan Circle

General Secretary

Sh. Prahlad Rai, ADG(VAS) BSNL Corporate Office


Sh. Devesh Kumar Sharma, JTO(CMTS) BSNL C.O.

AGS (Engg.)

Sh. B.S Reddy, Sr. SDE(STR) (AP)

AGS (Finance)

Sh. P. Venugopal, CAO Selem (TN)

AGS (Civil/ Electrical/Arch.)

Sh. Predeep Goyal, EE(C) Lucknow

AGS (General Discipline)

Sh. K.P . Nair, PS Kalyan, Maharashtra

Financial Secretary

Sh. G.R. Sharma, ADG(Banking) BSNL C.O.

Astt. Financial Secretary

Sh. P.C. Joshi, Fire Officer/SDE(E), DoT

Org. Secy. (N)

Sh. Satish Kumar, SDE(QA) Delhi

Org. Secy. (S)

Sh. R.B. Athani, Sr. SDE(P), Amargol, Hubli

Org.  Secy. (W)

 Sh. C.M. Saste, Sr. SDE, Maharashtra Circle

Org. Secy. (E)

Sh. Asis Kr. Basu, CAO, KTD

Auditor [Nominated ]

Sh. S.D. Arya, JTO(C), Raj. Circle

In addition to the above Central Office Bearers the following Advisors were also elected unanimously :-

Advisor � I

Sh. Rakesh Sethi, AD, BSNL C.O.

Advisor � II

Sh. R.S. Parihar,  CAO, Gujrat

Adviser � III

Sh. K. JaiRam, DE, AP Circle

Advisor � IV

Sh. S.H. Mokashi, SDE, Kalyan

Advisor � V

Sh. Manas Roy, DE WB Circle

Advisor � VI

Sh. B.S. Rajput, DE(WTR) Bhopal

Click Here for Glimpses of the events==> Photo1 Photo2 Photo3 Photo4 Photo5 Photo6 Photo7 Photo8 Photo9 Photo10 Photo11 Photo12 Photo13 Photo14 Photo15 Photo16 Photo17 Photo18 Photo19 Photo20 Photo21 Photo22 Photo23 Photo24 Photo25 Photo26 Photo27 Photo28 Photo29 Photo30 Photo31 Photo32 Photo33  Photo34 Photo35 Photo36 Photo37 Photo38

28/08/2008 : The INAUGURAL SESSION OF 2nd ALL INDIA CONFERENCE OF AIBSNLEA at JAIPUR: - The Second ALL INDIA Conference at SHRI MAHESHWARI SAMAJ JANOPYOGI BHAWAN, �UTSAV� P-10, SECTOR-2, VIDYADHAR NAGAR, JAIPUR (Rajasthan) started today with the flag hoisting by the CHQ President Shri K. Satyanarayana. The Inaugural Session started at 11.30 hrs by presenting bouquet to the Chief Guest Shri Siddhartha Behura, Chairman Telecom Commission &  Secretary (Telecom), New Delhi and Guests of Honor Shri Girdhari Lal Bhargava, Hon�ble MP, Loksabha, Jaipur, Shri S.D. Saxena, Director (Finance), BSNL, Shri R.K. Agarwal, Director (Plg. & NS), BSNL, New Delhi and Shri G.K. Agarwal, CGMT, Rajasthan Circle. Thereafter Chief Guest Shri Siddhartha Behura, Chairman Telecom Commission and Secretary (Telecom), lighted the lamp and released the Poster of 2nd AIC. CHQ Office Bearers then  welcomed and felicitated the Hon�ble Chief Guest, Guests of Honour and distinguished Guests by wearing turban and offering Shawl and presenting the mementos. Com O.P. JAT, Circle Secretary, Host Circle welcomed Hon�ble Chief Guest, Guests of Honour and delegates came from various parts of the country and thanked all Committees Chairman, Secretaries and Members of various Committees formed for the 2nd AIC.   Comrade Shri K. Satyanarayana, President, AIBSNLEA, CHQ New Delhi welcomed Hon�ble Chief Guest, Guests of Honour and also impressed upon the various issues likes Pension of BSNL Employees, AAO Pay Fixation Case etc. KEY NOTE ADDRESS DELIVERED BY Comrade Prahlad Rai, GS, CHQ New Delhi (Click Here for Keynote Address).

 IN THE Inaugural Session Shri R.K.Agarwal, Director (Plg. & NS), BSNL, New Delhi,  Shri S.D.Saxena, Director (Finance), BSNL, New Delhi  and Shri G.K.Agarwal,CGMT, Rajasthan Circle, Jaipur also addressed the session.

Hon�ble Chief Guest Shri Siddhartha Behura, Chairman, Telecom Commission and Secretary (Telecom), New Delhi in his address   apprised in detail about the Pension Matter of BSNL Employees and 10% IPO of BSNL. He also told that 10% IPO of BSNL is in the interest of BSNL and government can privatize any department even if only a small portion of its stake is disinvested. He also told that BSNL & MTNL merger can be justified but the merger of ITI with BSNL is as per the policy of Government. He also told that seniority of TES Group �B� Officers are under consideration and soon the matter will be resolved. At last Comrade M.L. Pareek, President Host Circle gave vote of thanks. The Conference Hall of SHRI MAHESHWARI SAMAJ JANOPYOGI BHAWAN, �UTSAV� was jam packed. Click Here for Glimpses of the events==> Photo1 Photo2 Photo3 Photo4 Photo5 Photo6  Photo7 Photo8 Photo9 Photo10 Photo11 Photo12 Photo13 Photo14 Photo15 Photo16 Photo17 Photo18 Photo19 Photo20 Photo21 Photo22 Photo23 Photo24 Photo25 Photo26 Photo27 Photo28 Photo29 Photo30 Photo31 Photo32

26-08-2008 :


All the Members of AIBSNLEA are requested to attend the Inaugural session on 28th August�2008 at 11.00 AM at �UTSAV� P-10, Sector -2, Vidyadhar Nagar, Jaipur. The Secretary, Department of Telecom, Director (Finance), Director (Plg. & NS), Hon�ble MP Shri Girdhari Lal Bhargava and CGMT, Raj. Circle will address the meeting. Lunch will follow.

Similarly OPEN SESSION on 29-08-2008 at 16.00 Hrs. will be addressed by  Chief Minister, Rajasthan, Minister for PWD, Rajasthan, Member (Finance) Telecom Commission, Ex-Director (Operations) BSNL, Director (HRD) and Director (C&M) & DDG (SR) BSNL will address the gathering. All members of AIBSNLEA are requested to attend the OPEN SESSION. Dinner will Follow.

19-08-2008 : Click Here for Special CL Letter for the CEC on 26.08.2008 & AIC w.e.f. 28th to 30th Aug'2008 at Shri Maheshwari Samaj Janopyogi Bhawan [UTSAV], P-10, Sector-2, Vidhyadhar Nagar, Jaipur
19-08-2008 : All the Branch Secretaries of Rajasthan Telecom Circle are requested Please e-mail the list of delegates of their branch to e-mail : [email protected] immediately. 
02-08-2008 :-


It is hereby notified that the Circle Executive Committee Meeting of AIBSNLEA, Raj. Circle will be held at Jaipur on 26th August�2008 at Shri Maheshwari Samaj Janopyogi Bhawan [UTSAV], P-10, Sector-2, Vidhyadhar Nagar, Jaipur [ From 14.00 Hrs to 18.00 Hrs] on dated  26th August�2008 (Tuesday) Click Here for Letter

31-07-2008:- Absorption of Group 'A' officers in BSNL/MTNL :-CHQ NEWS It is understood that the Cabinet approval on absorption of Group 'A' officers in BSNL/MTNL has been received in DoT. The option may be called for from Group 'A' officers for absorption in BSNL/MTNL, who have not earlier exercised their option for BSNL/MTNL/DoT shortly.
30-07-2008:- CS and Shri R.P. Gupta, Asst. Circle Secy-V (Gen Disp.) met GM(Admn.) & discussed the following

(i) Local Officiating promotion from SDE(T) to DE(T) : The local officiating promotion from SDE(T) to DE(T) is pending since long & create frustration to the members. We demanded to immediate release of officiating promotion orders & requested to accommodate the eligible SDE(T) in same SSA as far as possible:- GM(Admn.) assured that local officiating promotion process has been completed & order will be issued shortly.

(ii) Regular promotion & local officiating arrangement in PS Cadre : We requested to promote the eligible PAs to PSs on regular basis as Three posts already sanctioned by BSNL Corporate Office & also requested to fillup remaining vacant posts of PS by local officiating promotion:- GM(Admn.) assured & directed to AGM(Pers.) to start the process for filling up the vacant posts of PS on regular as well as local officiating basis.

29-07-2008:- As per CHQ Call regarding to organize massive demonstration on 29th July 2008 during lunch hour to protest against the Govt.�s move of merger of ITI, large numbers of members stationed at Jaipur were attended the Massive demonstration on 29th July 2008 during lunch hour at Circle Office Campus under the banner of Joint Forum. Circle President of AIBSNLEA & other prominent leaders of other Unions/Associations were addressed the members on the occasion. Circle President in his address clarified why the merger of ITI with BSNL is not in the interest of BSNL employees?     
Joint Forum decided to organize massive demonstration on 29th July 2008 during lunch hour to protest against the Govt.�s move of merger of ITI with BSNL. All the members of Raj. Telecom Circle  are requested to participate actively to make the programme a success.

All the members stationed at Jaipur will assemble at Circle Office Campus in Lunch Hour for massive demonstration on 29th July 2008.

25-07-2008:- CS, President met CGMT, Raj. Circle and discussed following

1. Requested to accommodate STS regularly promoted officers at the same place where they are working at present. The request transfers still pending, may also be considered while making posting. We also requested to release posting orders at earliest possible. CGMT Raj. Circle assured to consider our suggestion.

2. We also requested to make officiating arrangement against the vacant posts of STS(telecom). The list of officiating arrangement is likely to be released by 26.07.2008 alongwith posting orders of adhoc & request transfers.  The GM (Admn.) participated in discussions.

25-07-2008:- CHQ NEWS GS spoke to concern authority in DoT & discussed regarding Group 'A' officers absorption issue in BSNL/MTNL. It is understood that the DoT proposal regarding absorption of Group 'A' officers in BSNL/MTNL is approved by Cabinet. The minutes are expected within next week. On receipt of the minutes DoT may start the process of absorption of Group 'A' officers in BSNL/MTNL by giving a period of one month. The Group 'A' officers who have not exercised option earlier in favour of BSNL/MTNL may exercise the option for absorption. Those who have already exercised the option will not be entitled to re-exercise the option. Incentive / additional benefit is now increased from 25% to 36% of the BASIC+DA.  HRA is deleted from perks. Pro-Rata pension will be available with effect from 01.10.2000 under Pension Rule-37A. The officers whom incentive / additional benefit comes less than 36% will be given special allowance to compensate. The incentive / additional benefit (36%) will be available to all Group 'A' officers absorbed in BSNL.

The 2nd Meeting of the Committee headed by Sh. Brijesh Kumar, Former Secretary held yesterday in DoT to discuss the retention of ITS Cadre in Telecom Commission after post absorption of Group 'A' officers in BSNL/MTNL.

23.07.2008 : CS, President Rajasthan Circle alongwith GS, CHQ met CMD BSNL and invited him to attend the open session of 2nd AIC Jaipur on 29th Aug 2008 and requested him to settle the appeal cases against break in service of 3 DEs of SGR Rajasthan Circle. CMD assured to look into.

22.07.2008 :- CS and President alongwith GS, CHQ  met Director (Fin) BSNL and extended invitation as guest of honour in the open session of 2nd AIC, Jaipur on 29th Aug 2008. Requested him to fill up vacant JAG posts and to get approved the AAO pay scale case. Dir (Fin) informed that the DPC to fill up about 15 JAG posts is in process and confirmed that the AAO pay scale case has been sent to DoT for approval. He assured to use his good office.
19.07.2008 : AAO IDA Upgradation :- Efforts made by Circle Branch of AIBSNLEA resulted consideration of IDA Upgradation of AAO & Circle has asked for an undertaking from each officers who is to consider for upgradation under time bound promotion policy. The consistent persuasion of CS & President as made the mind of administration, who is convinced that the demand is reasonable. A step ahead in this direction and it is learnt that Vigilance Clearance of these officers has been called for. We hope that order will be issued shortly. Therefore BS & Members are requested to furnish the undertaking at the earliest for facilitate an early order. Click Here for Letter
14.07.2008 : CS & President attended & actively participated in the deliberation session of CHQ Office Bearers & Circle Secretaries Meeting on dated 12th & 13th July'2008 at New Delhi. CS appraised the arrangements so far made for holding 2nd All India Conference at Jaipur   w.e.f. 28th to 30th August'2008. CS & President requested Circle Secretaries & CHQ Office bearers to contribute funds for holding the AIC.
14.07.2008 :- CS, President & Sh. Alkendra Singh, Vice President met Hon'ble CMD, BSNL in the chamber of CGMT, Raj. Circle, Jaipur & discussed the following items :-

1. Protest against active move of Govt. for merger of ITI Ltd. with BSNL ITI merger with BSNL

2. Absorption of ITS Officers in BSNL / MTNL

3. Payment of Pension to BSNL Employees

4. Denial of legitimated right of DoT recruited absorbed JTOs for abroad training 

5. Vehicle arrangements for operations & Maintenance purposes : Revision of Vehicle Norms:  

6. Declaration of Hard Tenure Stations in Rajasthan Telecom Circle

7. Framing of Group �A� RR in BSNL

8. Promotion from TTAs to JTOs Telecom on regular basis  

9. Upgradation of Jaisalmer SSA from TDE to District Manager

10.  Improvement in the revised policy for service GSM, RSTC & Broadband to Executives :-

     (a)   The Management Committee of BSNL allowed National Roaming & STD on GSM but the call limit has             not been increased, we request to make roaming free of charge & enhance the call limit.

     (b)   Rent Free Broadband service connection to all executives

11. Filling of Vacant posts of SDE (T) in Rajasthan Circle

In addition to above items we discussed to impromise the planning & tendering process to enable BSNL to compete the Telecom market with rapid expension to Landline & mobile : CMD accepeted our suggestion & assured for implementation.

The CMD noted the points & assured to take necesscessary action in the matter discussed with above items.

08.07.2008 : Click Here for complete result of TES Group 'B' LDCE held in July'2007
06.07.2008 : Circle Office Bearers & Branch Secretaries Meeting of Rajasthan Telecom Circle at Jaipur GS, President and Vice President - II attended & addressed the the Circle Office Bearers & Branch Secretaries Meeting of Rajasthan Telecom Circle at Jaipur to discuss the arrangements for successful holding of 2nd All India Conference at Jaipur from 28th to 30th August'2008. All the members of the Various Committees i.e. Reception Committee, Transport Committee, Medical Committee, Press & Media Committee, Souvenir Committee, Management / Office Committee, Food Committee, Accommodation Committee were also present. During the meeting Com. GS & President apprised in detail the status of All India issues. Com. O.P. Jat, Circle Secretary in his welcome address apprised in detail the duties of the each Organizing Committee & the arrangements being made for All India Conference. He requested all the Branch Secretaries to mobilize for maximum funds for successful conduction of the AIC. Com. M.L. Pareek extended vote of thanks & assured to make best efforts for holding of successful AIC at Jaipur. After adjournment of the meeting all the available CHQ Office bearers, Circle Office Bearers, Branch Secretaries and the Committee members visited the AIC venue i.e. Maheshwari Samaj Janopyogi Bhawan (UTSAV) , Jaipur

Click Here for Glimpses :=> Photo1 Photo2 Photo3 Photo4 Photo5 Photo6 Photo7 Photo8 Photo9 Photo10 Photo11 Photo12 Photo13 Photo14  

04.07.2008 : SP/CL Letter  for the Circle Office Bearers & Branch Secretaries Meeting will be held on 06th July�2008 at Hotel Diana Palace, Ajmer Road, Jaipur Click Here for Letter
02.07.2008 :Congratulations ! Untiring & consistent efforts of AIBSNLEA yielded the result in getting released the promotion order from SDE(T) to DE(Adhoc). Promotion order of 1099 SDE(T) to DE(Adhoc).  AIBSNLEA was continuously pursuing the case in BSNL / DoT to fill up vacant DEs posts for last eight months despite of lot of hurdles  ultimately succeeded in getting the desired result Click Here for List Page 1 to 7 Page 8 to 12 PAGE 13 to 17 PAGE 18 to 22 PAGE 23 to 24